01 October 2013

zen of code

Master Programmer was asked, whether his programs ever emitted emotional responses.

“Yes.” said the Master Programmer.
“What have these been?”
“Yes.” answered the Master Programmer.

03 July 2013


täna nägin ma inimest.
talle helistati.
öeldi talle.
et tema e-mailile on tulnud sünnipäevaõnnitlus.
ning jaan tahab talle laulu laulda.
läksime sinna.
eliisa oli mobiilioperaator.
jaan oli animeeritud.
inimene oli rõõmsalt üllatunud.

15 March 2013

Sidestreet of Bangkok

Missing sidewalks.
Foot-high sidewalks.
Street-light posts.
Thick dirt.

Roaming the street of Bangkok.
Blind man with his stick.
Dog that might as well be blind.
Rescued by the bystander.

Phonecalls to english-speakers.
In the shed to eat.
What is in the menu?

7/11. The familiar.